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Linking Payments as a Private Person
Updated over a week ago

Step 1: Click on your organization name in the top right corner.

Step 2: Click on ‘Payments.’

Step 3: Under Stripe, click on ‘Connect.’

Step 4: Follow the next steps on Stripe’s website.

If you want to activate payments via WeTicket as a private individual, follow these simple steps. This guide will help you quickly set up payment options, allowing you to efficiently sell tickets and receive donations.

Start by selecting “Natural person.”

On the next page, enter your name, business phone number, and some additional details.

Next, specify what type of business you have.

You’re almost there! Now, enter your IBAN. Note: This is the account where you will receive your earnings!

Finally, you will see a screen to complete your registration. By clicking Agree, you link your payments to WeTicket. You’re now ready to start selling tickets!

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