WeTicket 2.0 is the completely revamped WeTicket platform. Our entire team is continuously working on additional features and optimizations. By using the new system, you'll automatically benefit from these improvements!
When transitioning, all your data will be migrated to the new system. A small number of features will not be transferred, either because we've developed better solutions or because they are no longer necessary.
Advantages of WeTicket 2.0
Improved interface
Discount codes
Integrated POS system with payment terminals
Easier activation of payments
Simplified and, on average, lower rates
Template for faster event creation
Customizable refund & cancellation emails
Shareable statistics
Sell products that are not directly related to an event.
Multishop checkout
Purchase tickets for multiple events and shops in one transaction.
And many more optimizations
New languages:
Currently unavailable in WeTicket 2.0
There are some features not yet available in WeTicket 2.0. These may be added in the future:
Option to disable PDF generation
Custom fonts & code
Redirects to your own domain
‘List view’ for recurring events
Donations with open amounts
Integration with Mailchimp
Ticket notes
What data will not be migrated?
The following features will not be migrated to WeTicket 2.0:
Orders placed before July 1, 2022
Fixed-amount donations are supported in WeTicket 2.0, but donation data will not be migrated.
Discontinued features
The following features are no longer available in WeTicket 2.0:
Displaying the remaining number of tickets in the public calendar
Making tickets not immediately valid
Notes for time slots in recurring events
Mollie Payments
Refunds for Mollie orders
Mollie orders originate from the old WeTicket platform. Since WeTicket 2.0 does not connect with Mollie, refunds for these orders cannot be processed via the 2.0 portal. However, they can still be processed via the WeTicket 1.0 portal. During the transition phase, you can handle refunds through the old portal.